HIGHPUMP™ Self-cleaning Hose Hump - A New Direction In The Future


HIGHPUMP™ Self-cleaning Hose Hump - A New Direction in the Future

In the power plant, chemical, water treatment and other industries, various types of pumps are often used to transport toxic, flammable, and volatile liquids, as well as strong acids, strong alkalis, strong corrosive liquids and other medium. Under severe working conditions, due to the residual medium in the hose, the service life of the hose will be greatly affected.

At present, hose pumps have gradually replaced diaphragm pumps, becoming the new favorite of the times, and the scope of application is becoming wider and wider. In order to greatly reduce the workload of on-site maintenance personnel and maintenance cost  and improve the on-site environment, Hankun combined with years of experience in hose pump design and production, and independently developed a self-cleaning hose pump in 2019. Based on HIGHPUMP™ hose pump 1.0, the runner and pressing shoe of the original hose pump are designed and improved to achieve automatic hose cleaning function through mechanical movement, thereby prolonging the service life of the hose and reducing maintenance costs of customers and truly realize “service creates brand, reputation determines the future!"

Hankun (Beijing) Fluid Control Technology Co., Ltd., as a domestic company that independently researches and develops hose pumps, has focused on fluid control field for more than ten years, and has the obligation and ability to assist customers. Welcome to call us or log on to the official website www.highpump.com. We look forward to extensive cooperation with customers in various industries.
